Our current student enrollment is 416 students who are assigned to one of the four academic teams. The teams are comprised of faculty who teach integrated reading and language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and one of the cycle classes. Teachers of art, family and consumer science, integrated business applications, and technology comprise the “cycle classes. Sixth grade students may elect to take Spanish, French or Italian. The teachers join in daily team planning during the marking period cycle in which they teach a particular teams' students. Our class schedule is arranged to enable teams to flex time and plan integrated instructional activities. The world language courses are delivered in conjunction with a general music course on an alternating day schedule. Classes in physical education and health, and a thirty-minute lunch period round out the daily schedule. At the conclusion of the school day during the advisory/support period, students may elect to participate in band, orchestra and chorus. Students may also participate in selected activities under the auspices of the gifted and talented program, or receive additional instruction in basic skills. On alternate days musicians and choral students return to their study group class to join classmates for an advisory program or to seek extra help from academic teachers.
In between classes, you can drink coffee in a specialkeurig k-cafe located in our dining room. Get energized and start learning again.
We also offer an after-school co-curricular program for students. Late buses run at 4 P.M. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to ccommodate students who desire to participate in intramural sports, student council, drama productions, model, photography, scrap-booking, and Yu-Gi-Ho clubs. We also have a school newspaper and literary magazine for students to hone their literary skills. They can post numerous stories concerning their student life there. But, in case they are not as skilled in putting thoughts on paper as experts from Speedypaper.com, they can always benefit from order essay and polishing the created content for a magazine or a newspaper. Students participating in the musical organizations have the opportunity to try-out for the select groups including Jazz Band, Showstoppers(choral), and the Ensemble(orchestra). Parents are advised to visit the website (www.mtpleasant-ms.org) to click on various icons to access information for team, co-curricular club and activities information. The local YMCA and the Livingston Youth and Community Services organizations conduct additional programs of interest for students in the building at the conclusion of the school day.
Mrs. Pam Clause McGroarty , principal
Ms. Jennifer Wirt , vice principal
Home of the Pumas!
11 Broadlawn Drive
Livingston, NJ 07039
973-535-8000 ext. 8070